Branding + Packaging Design

Towards the end of 2022, I was tasked with creating branding and identity for a new start-up store named Podster. Based in Austria, the new brand would sell headphone and earphone cleaning kits, with a focus on airpod cleaning pens. To make sure I represented that part of the brand, I came up with an identity focusing on the shape of headphones, as well the motif of cleanliness.

The process led me to create a logo and logotype that is clean and minimal, though still conveying a strong message, that the users' earphones will be so clean that they shine and sparkle. This logo, along with identity guidelines were then used in the online store for Podster.
In addition to an identity, I was also tasked with creating modern and effective packaging that could then be used to ship Podster's products. The packaging had to be distinguishable for Podster's identity to make sure that the brand is recognisable in shipping, but also minimal to where it was affordable and easy to print.

The packaging included a different design on each side, keeping the box fresh and interesting. The front side included a large, attention-attracting blue frame with the Podster logo, with the sides including small illustrations relating to the product. One side includes an accurate outline of what the cleaning tool looks like, so the customers get a sneak-peek of what they are getting. The other side includes the repeated motifs of earphones and sparkles. Finally the back includes a short description of the product. The bottom and top sides include a logotype and QR code for the Podster store, so the customer can leave a review or find any new products they want to buy. Overall, the packaging along with the branding were successful in achieving the goals of the product, and a new, modern identity was born for the startup.